LEK Toolbox in English
Teaching/ learning materials for adult educators: Journalism and PR
Using the example of illiteracy & basic education




Microsoft Word Document 332.5 KB
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 8.3 MB
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format 4.1 MB

Simulation Game

Simulation Game
Development of a regional project and network to push basic skills like literacy and numeracy
Microsoft Word Document 203.7 KB

Online Seminar

Online Seminar 1

The power of communication: why adult educators need to communicate more and better


Why should educational institutions bother with publicity? How do we talk about ourselves and about lifelong learning in a way that is interesting and makes sense to a broader public? What kind of information landscape are we moving in?


Alastair Creelman, E-learning specialist at Linneaus University in Sweden and active in

the NVL Distans Network will introduce the topic.


Johanni Larjanko NVL (The Nordic Network for Adult Learning), partner in the LEK-project



Online Seminar 2

The unreachables in adult education? How to reach the ‘unreachable’ vulnerable adults with adult education?


According to Eurostat (2012)1 circa 24% of the European population risks poverty or social exclusion. In addition UNICEF (2008)2 concludes that 22% of the population of the industrialized countries is illiterate. These figures show with glaring clarity just how important adult education is. There is a huge need of upskilling and increasing the livability of an enormous group of inhabitants. Our group of "vulnerable adults" is increasing by the day. Investment in this group is urgently needed. Especially in times of economic crisis we should be aware of clever interventions for inhabitants risking social exclusion or unemployment. For example low skilled and illiterate learners are vulnerable groups, due to their lack of possibilities in showing their competencies. Therefore adult education is needed in order to upgrade their skills and to increase their possibilities for social inclusion and reintegration into the labor market.


Prof. Dr. Maurice de Greef, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Visiting Professor Learning effects Low skilled and Illiterate Learners 


Johanni Larjanko NVL (The Nordic Network for Adult Learning), partner in the LEK-project



Online Seminar 3

Results of the LEK project curriculum work


Johanni Larjanko NVL (The Nordic Network for Adult Learning), partner in the LEK-project



Link to all Online Seminars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrfw2ZwcG10PC7tnbFNGYi4T7MN5Uhzu2


Online Seminar Handbook

Online seminars in the LEK project are used to introduce the content of the LEK curriculum.

They may present one or several modules of the curriculum or parts of the modules.  The LEK project has used the online seminars to support the learners in their individual learning path, follow-up on individual tasks and to share experiences.

This handbook helps to understand the production of webinars for adult education and introduces into the LEK

Online Seminars.

LEK online seminar handbook
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

Adult Educator’s Guide to Communication

  • Why it is important for adult educators can benefit from increase their communication competences? 
  • How you can prepare and plan your communication efforts? 
  • What the world of media looks like and which way it is going? 
  • How you can approach editors and journalists to get you story into mainstream media? 
  • How you can write articles yourself for different kinds of media?

(Broschure, 36 pages)

Print version
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.3 MB
Online version
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB

Promotion Material

Leaflet A 6 print version
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

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